
‘Reflections’ is what we call tutor time, assembly and collective worship at The St Lawrence Academy.

Reflections offer us the ideal opportunity to provide transformational experiences for our students and staff. Reflections take place at the start of the day for half an hour, either in tutor groups or year groups, and provide us with a positive and uplifting start to the day.

What do we want to achieve in tutor time?

To ensure the wellbeing of all students through…

  • building trusting and positive relationships & communication between tutors and their tutees.
  • reinforcing the academy values, ethos and expectations.
  • improving students’ aspirations, motivations and life chances.
  • developing students’ spirituality, morality and sense of collective civil responsibility.

There is a changing daily focus which includes:

  • Assembly – a variety of speakers and topics of interest and relevance
  • In the News – to develop awareness of current affairs, and debating skills
  • Tutor Group Read – to develop a culture of reading and improve literacy skills
  • Student presentations – to develop confidence, tolerance and public speaking skills
  • Futures – careers education
  • Character – Personal, Social, Relationships and Health Education

Daily Reflections routines:

5 mins Register, notices and uniform check

5 mins Reflection – inclusive, invitational and inspiring spiritual reflection time

20 mins Daily focus: listed above

We have high expectations of our students in Reflections time, including:

  • Students are punctual, attentive and polite.
  • Students actively participate in tutor time tasks.
  • Students show consideration to others and support each other in their learning.
  • Students show leadership in Reflection time, and take up responsibilities.

Reflection Focus of the week



Reflections Archive