Martyna Year 11 :

Martyna Year 11

For Martyna, why do they enjoy attending The St Lawrence Academy is very simple.  It’s because of all the friends I’ve made along the way.  There are plenty of opportunities such as after school clubs or camping to get to know other students and feel like you belong.  The teachers encourage kindness and soon enough you feel welcomed and like you’re part of something special.

Victoria Year 11 :

Victoria Year 11

Victoria enjoys coming to St Lawrence as it is a place full of many opportunities.  For example, this year the academy has offered many trips to go on, ie: The Baths Hall, Universities and more.  Victoria has been lucky to meet new people like friends and the amazing staff members, who have taught me so much the past three years.  Victoria also enjoys how diverse the community is and that many students are open minded to learning about different cultures.  Overall, there are many things that could be talked about, but these are just a few things that stood out this year.

Libby Year 11 :

Libby Year 11

One reason why Libby enjoys coming to The St Lawrence Academy is the amount of opportunities offered in sports.  There are many after school clubs, through which she has found her passion for netball.  Netball has helped me grow my confidence and also led Libby to some close friendships.

Jessica Year 10 :

Jessica Year 10

During your time at The St Lawrence Academy,  you'll learn so much - both academically and personally. This academy is definitely a warm community to call your second home where success is guaranteed through every lesson, term and year. Lots of opportunities appear and so many students are encouraged to grab these not only for their CV, but for their social skills and to build more relationships with peers; often, many organisations come in to talk about what students could do to help a cause or receive awards. There are lots of extracurricular activities also available and so much support is given out from all the lovely staff who build amazing relationships with us all'

Juned Year 10 :

Juned Year 10

Ever since Juned joined The St Lawrence Academy, his confidence, knowledge, self esteem and integrity has been boosted majorly. The teachers here have comforted me and made it feel like a safe place. Generally, Juned feels as though the academy itself, himself, and his friends have all benefited ever since joining the academy. These past two years have been wonderful.

Rubie-Leigh Year 10 :

Rubie-Leigh Year 10

Rubie-leigh Sowerby is a student at The St Lawrence Academy and is just starting Year 9. Rubie-leigh enjoys all lessons and the learning is fun especially History with Mr Fox he makes things really interesting.

Rubie-Leigh enjoys spending time with her friends and sharing lessons with some of them..  Year 9 will choose their options this year and have a variety of lessons to choose from.  Rubie-Leigh is currently thinking of choosing business as it’s something she is very interested in and it is something that she would like to learn more about but she will also need to take into consideration all of the other possible options.

Ruby Year 10 :

Ruby Year 10

Ruby is currently a Year 9 student and has been at the academy just over 2 years. Ruby finds lessons to be engaging and enjoyable, mainly because of the supportive and encouraging staff who have allowed her to be the best she can be across all areas. There are also many great facilities for an extensive selection of sports here to enable students to gain a wide range of experience and skills. This is a fantastic academy and Ruby loves being a student here.

Cheerok Year 10 :

Cheerok Year 10

The St Lawrence academy is a wonderful place having all the lessons in a brilliant curriculum that you need for your career.  It also has a wide range of extra curricular clubs that fit your interests. Cheerok really enjoys improving skills and knowledge at after school clubs. The academy also participates in many sporting tournaments such as Rugby, Football, Athletics, Rounders, Netball, Badminton and many more. Sports day is a huge competition at The St Lawrence Academy that encourages everybody to participate and the celebrations afterwards are incredible. It is special being a member of The St Lawrence team.

Sania Year 10 :

Sania Year 10

Sania is a student at The St Lawrence Academy. The aspects that Sania particularly enjoys in the academy are Art and RE. In Art she likes drawing because it is not just about lovely drawings or paintings, there are many forms behind Art. Art can help with stress and relaxation, it is a fantastic subject! Sania also enjoys RE because she is really interested in learning about other cultures and religions. There are lots of extra curricular clubs at the academy to participate in. Helping teachers doing display boards and other jobs after school are also enjoyable. In the future Sania would like to be a prefect and hopefully can achieve that with the many opportunities already held which have improved her leadership skills.

Abiha Year 9 :

Abiha Year 9

Abiha is starting in year 8 and her time so far at the academy has been really enjoyable. All the teachers Abiha has met are all incredible and super approachable. The academy gives a range of extra-curricular clubs for free and her favourite sport is netball. Abiha also likes that the academy has reward trips for student’s behaviour so that hard work and actions don't go unnoticed. The St Lawrence Academy is great and Abiha is happy to be a student here.

Megija Year 9 :

Megija Year 9

Megija is starting in year 8 and has thoroughly enjoyed last year.  Lessons are fun and the clubs and assemblies help get you involved. Sports and exercise are a key topic in the academy, as a top priority is students' health and learning. Megija is proud to call herself a student of The St Lawrence academy.

Dana Year 9 :

Dana Year 9

Dana is a year 8 student and has loved the time in the St Lawrence academy so far and hopes to continue to enjoy it even more in year 8. During her time in year 7, Dana has participated in many things, such as the church service and has held many leadership roles.  All in all Dana has loved every minute! It is the best academy by far!

Ruby Year 9 :

Ruby Year 9

For the past year in the academy, the experience Ruby has had here was absolutely wonderful. The learning is fun and friendly since all the staff are so kind to her. As a collective worship leader, it was fun to talk to her peers about faith in our daily reflection time and what the week has to bring. Ruby hopes the academy continues to be as amazing as it is now!

Thomas Year 9 :

Thomas Year 9

I am currently a year 8 student and have been at the academy just over of a year. Thomas has found the teachers and staff to be incredibly kind and “teaching-efficient”. Being at this academy has given him an extreme confidence boost by getting involved in many activities and giving opportunities to represent the academy.Thomas appreciates all the work that the staff do and that's why he really enjoys being at the academy.

Joel Year 9 :

Joel Year 9

As Joel gradually got through year 7, he has enjoyed every minute of the opportunities presented to him .Joel has participated in sporting events at Quibell Park and even had a trip to the Hull City football ground. Joel enjoys the lessons and engages well at all times. The lessons are varied and teach students to work as groups and independently which is an important soft skill. Joel really enjoys my academy life at The St Lawrence Academy.

Alfie, Year 11 :

Alfie, Year 11

“I found the prospect of moving to secondary school quite daunting, but the academy went to great lengths to make sure we were settled in and found the experience exciting, not scary. St Lawrence was my first-choice academy because I knew it had a diverse community who I would get the chance to meet and learn about other cultures, and I was excited to join the clubs that I heard about at open evening! 

I believe that since joining the academy, teachers have instilled in me good learning practises and encouraged me to begin thinking about my future. I hope to take my passion for gaming to the next level and work in game development and coding, which I will achieve by studying Maths for GCSE and further developing the social skills and strong work ethic the academy has instilled in me.”

Ali, Year 11 : Demonstrating Justice

Ali, Year 11

Demonstrating Justice

“To showcase our academy value of Justice, it is important to treat one another with respect, equality and fairness. To ensure we do this, the academy teaches us about being kind to one another, we are taught about different cultures and religious, of the importance of sharing and respecting one another’s opinions and fundraising and raising awareness for charities”.

Krzysztof, Year 11 : Demonstrating Forgiveness

Krzysztof, Year 11

Demonstrating Forgiveness

“The importance of Forgiveness is taught in the bible, that we should let go of anger and forgive others, just as Jesus does for us. At St Lawrence Academy, I demonstrate forgiveness by giving people second chances – I have learnt that even if people make the wrong decisions and hurt me, the ability to forgive is the right decision and allows our community to heal and work together and head on the right path, together”.