TSLA Futures

Careers education is delivered through various strands. All students experience an embedded and personalised careers programme, developing awareness of careers and further and higher education opportunities. Students are supported to make the most of their unique talents. Independent careers advice is given to all students in Year 11, and to some students from Year 9.

All students receive weekly sessions studying Futures, covering topics such as personal skills, and workplace behaviours, future work and study options.

Careers education is also delivered through various strands including: Raising Aspirations days (RAD), information evenings, independent careers guidance, assemblies, trips, visiting speakers, participation in national careers/ FE/ HE events, work experience, volunteering and through collaboration with local employers.

The school website contains information and links to information about careers, apprenticeship, FE & HE. There is also a careers library in school.

In Year 7 the Pixl Edge programme is launched and will be followed for the duration of Key Stage 3. Additionally from Year 8 the online START programme is accessed for students to start exploring potential careers pathways and in Key Stage 4 the LMI Humber, BeReady & Lincs4U resources are all used to help our young people with making choices about future destinations. We are also very proud to provide students with a work experience placement during Year 10.

Within subject specific curriculum time, links are made to various potential career sectors, jobs and employment opportunities. There are many student leadership opportunities in school which encourage students to develop their employability skills and confidence. The school has a great relationship with the Careers and Enterprise Company and the Greater Lincolnshire LEP, and part of this relationship enables us to measure the impact of our careers programme through Compass+ evaluations, ensuring the Gatsby benchmarks are achieved to the highest standard and that we continue to raise the hopes and aspirations of our young people at all times

Visit our futures website in a new tab

Introducing the Pixl Edge programme

The Edge framework gives students the opportunity to develop five key life attributes
through a series of targeted activities and challenges.

What are the five key attributes?

Following research into ‘employability skills’, conducted by organisations such as the CBI and the National Careers Service, Pixl identified the following five attributes as key to success.

The Edge framework gives students the opportunity to develop these five key life attributes
through a series of targeted activities and challenges. We often refer to these five key attributes using the acronym LORIC. Below you can see how LORIC fits in with the National Careers Service’s list of top ten desirable soft skills.

The aims of the Edge

• to inspire and expand students as individuals.
• to develop and accredit those personal attributes that are essential for
employability and life.
• to help students discover their own strengths and aptitudes and to provide
opportunities for self-analysis and choice.
• to create a culture in schools which is enhanced by the added dimension of
education provision which develops the ‘whole’ student.
• to prepare leavers for life and citizenship beyond school.
• to give students a competitive edge in the recruitment process.
• to monitor and progress development of these skills and to embed and
sustain this wider provision.

Please click here for the welcome video from the Pixl CEO Rachel Johnson