20th May 2024


Dear Parents / Carers


Re: Incident on School Site 20/5/2024 


During Period 4 today, we had an unpleasant incident where a member of the general public arrived at the academy and made verbal threats against a number of staff and a handful of students. The police were subsequently called and the academy was locked down. Thankfully, no staff or students were harmed during the incident and the police were able to intervene appropriately and the police are now dealing with this matter. 


We appreciate that the incident may have been upsetting for staff and students to witness and we are working with those individuals to ensure they are supported further. If your child was affected by witnessing the events of today’s incident, please contact the academy and we will provide the appropriate support needed for your child. 


Many thanks for your continued support. 


Yours sincerely


Mr Hire Headteacher 

The St Lawrence Academy