14th June 2024


Dear Parents/ Carers

RE: Changes to the Academy Day – 2024-2025

I trust this letter finds you well. As an Academy, we are constantly looking at ways to ensure we are delivering the best educational experience for our children. As part of this, we have been looking at our lunchtime provision for students. In an attempt to ensure we can run a broader range of extra-curricular activities, whilst also ensuring there is less movement around the Academy during lessons when we operate a multi-break and multi-lunch system, we have decided to move to one breaktime and one lunchtime from September 2024.

We are working very closely with our catering company, Aspens to ensure there is a speedy service at both break and lunchtime, as well as ensuring a broad range of options for our students to eat. We have also created an extra service ‘hatch’ to ensure all children can be served and have appropriate time to eat and then socialise. To support this further, we will also extend the lunch period from 30 to 40 minutes from September 2024. As I am sure you can appreciate, this means we must find an additional 10 minutes in the Academy day, without impacting on the time children are in lessons. With this in mind, we will be moving our start time Monday to Friday to 8.15am from 8.25am. The large majority of our students already arrive at the Academy for 8.15 each day as morning line-ups start from this time. However, the expectation from September 2024 is that all students arrive by 8.15am.

We will write to parents again during July with the new times of the Academy day. However, at this stage we are leaving a two-week window for parents to feedback on this new structure. If you do have any feedback, please email [email protected] by Friday 28th June 2024.

May I also take this opportunity to wish all of our families celebrating Eid this weekend a blessed Eid-al-Adha. As Eid falls on Sunday 16th June 2024, the Academy will be open on Monday 17th June 2024 and all students are expected at the Academy.

Yours sincerely

Mr M. Hire
