August 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
This year has been another where we travel further away from the pandemic and towards an educational landscape and culture which feels like one we used to value and appreciate.
Amongst a hugely difficult year financially for you as families and as the country has struggled in the face of great adversity, education has had its fair share of difficulties also.
The biggest teacher recruitment crisis is upon us. Quite simply there are not enough teachers in this country across all sectors. Addressing this now needs to be a priority if we want the generation of tomorrow to be educated to the best possible standard. This needs to be funded by the government and not from school budgets.
During the last term we have said our farewells to Year 11 students, the Year 10 prefect team has been elected and we have embraced a series of events that have created new and varied opportunities. Our new Year 7 students for September, 2023, will start at the academy, after their transition events this summer on Tuesday 5th September. I am sure the students are excited about starting at the academy and that they will be a huge success, as our class of 2028!
We were oversubscribed again with some families going to appeal to try to get a place with us. We are genuinely humbled by your desire to be with us and it does not go unnoticed. In September we will have our largest ever number of children at the academy, around 810 in total.
As we always welcome new students and say farewell to those who are leaving us, we also do the same with our staff. Leaving us at the end of this year will be:
- Annie-Rose Lewis is joining another school nearer to her home after 5 years at the academy. We wish her well.
- Magdalena Wyderka is leaving as our Cover Supervisor and temporary Teacher of Science. We thank you for all the support she has given to the academy and we wish her well in pursuing a teaching career.
- Sam Cowling is leaving the academy after being a LTA to pursue other opportunities.
I am sure you will join me in wishing these staff well and in thanking them for all the support and help they have given the students at the academy.
This is also a time to welcome and celebrate some fantastic staff joining us in September:
We welcome to the academy Matt Hire as an interim Headteacher who will oversee the day to day running of the academy until such a time as a new substantive Headteacher is appointed.
- Ashley Ritchie will be joining the Senior Team for 4 days a week and working with the Inclusion team.
- Jake Scott joins us as a newly qualified teacher in Science at the start of his career.
- Catriona Scoular will be joining the Humanities department as an experienced teacher and will be leading on the Geography curriculum.
- Wahida Khanum is joining the Inclusion team as a Learning and Teaching Assistant
As a result of these appointments, we have been able to afford some new positions to some of our staff who have been with us over time.
- Jake Browne will take on the role of the Year 7 Student Progress Leader having been a LTA for two years.
- Cathie Bremner, our Year 7 SPL will now be working part time in a job share with Val Borrill as the SPLs for Year 8
- Emily Atkinson Teacher of Science will also now be working part time over 3 days a week but will continue as the Gold House Leader.
Our staffing can always be viewed by clicking on the link shared below and from here you can also make contact with staff via their email addresses.
GREAT Expectations
In addition to our 5 core values of Truth, Justice, Respect, Forgiveness and Generosity, we continue to promote and embed our 3 Academy GREAT Expectations for all our academy community.
- Be Ready – on time, correct equipment, uniform, attitude.
- Be Safe – being calm and thoughtful, keeping yourself and others safe.
- Be Respectful – this is an essential and core part of what we believe to be the basic expectation of all who are a part of the academy.
The St Lawrence Academy uniform
It is essential that we maintain high standards of appearance and uniform. We have attached our Uniform Policy as a reminder about our expectations in relation to uniform.
- Uniform can be purchased atShah’s uniform supplier on West Street, Scunthorpe. or there is a small quantity available online via Parentpay for collection at the academy.
- Long, painted or acrylic nails are not allowed at the academy
- Skirts must not be of a tight and stretchy material and all skirts must be appropriate in length. If Year 7 to 10 students choose to wear a skirt it must be the TSLA branded skirt available from Shah’s.
- Please do not allow your child to have a new piercing towards the end of the holidays as there are no exceptions to our rule on jewellery, which is a maximum of one stud in each or one ear lobe and a watch.
- Please ensure any extreme hairstyles/hair colours are reversed for the return to school in September.
- No jumpers, hoodies or jackets are permitted to be worn under blazers.
The academy PE kit is ESSENTIAL at all times and students must have the correct PE kit.
We run a detention system and this is a whole academy system and detentions will be held every day after school up to 45 minutes. These will be communicated to you and we will be expecting the support from our families in students attending these. Refusing to attend detentions will mean an increase in sanction.
Mobile phones
Mobile phones should not be seen in the academy; if they are seen or heard they will be confiscated. If a student brings one into the academy, and it is lost or stolen, we will not take any responsibility. If a student needs to contact home during the day they can use one of our telephones. The use of mobile phones is a distraction to learning and there are serious consequences for students who take photos or videos in the academy and then share them on social media.
Smoking or Vaping
We would like to remind you that the academy is a smoke free zone anywhere on the premises. This also includes vapes, which may be confiscated if a student brings one on site or if caught smoking or vaping this may lead to further consequences.
The Academy Day
These can be seen below. The important thing to note here is the start of the day for all year groups is now 8.25am. We encourage students to arrive into the building no later than 8.15am.
Students will be dismissed from the academy at the following times:
- Monday 3.45pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 2.45pm
- Friday: end of lessons 1.15pm (lunch is available at break time)
GDPR/Data Protection Act
Throughout the year we encourage staff to take photographs of our students learning or when they are out on school trips. We like to put up displays around the academy to celebrate student achievements and we also want to continue developing our website/social media platforms.
You need to give your permission to display images for celebratory purposes of your child. We are regularly visited by the media to celebrate the talents of your children as we always try to promote their successes when we can. Please ensure you have completed or updated the consent form which we send to you, or you can update your preference on the Arbor APP.
Use of technologies
Can I please ask you all to monitor your child’s use of their phone/computer at home in relation to social media, as sometimes they may use it inappropriately or they may be sharing too much personal information. It would be wise to check their privacy settings so that they are not sharing information too widely, as sometimes this can result in safeguarding concerns.
TikTok in particular continues to be an increasing point of concern. We have worked tirelessly nationally and with the Police this year and we will not hesitate to take the appropriate forms of action if social media use is abused.
Social media is not appropriate for young children. We ask that although difficult, if you allow your child to use it prior to them reaching the age related criteria that you carefully help them navigate what can be a dangerous and problematic culture.
Medical information
Our Student Services provide a basic first aid service for all students but they do not give specific medical advice and you should contact your GP if this is required. If an illness or injury occurs outside of academy hours it is your responsibility to follow this up, please do not rely on us to do so. Any medication, if sent into the academy, must always be in the original packaging and clearly labelled, and a consent form completed. Antibiotics must be managed at home, not in the academy. The school nurse, via the NHS, does offer a 2 weekly drop in service. If you believe your child requires a specific Health Care Plan for school and this is not already in place, please contact student services to discuss.
We want to work in partnership with you to make sure that the academy can provide the best possible education for your children. We recognise how important it is to have the support of all the staff, parents, carers and students and we hope that our partnership with you will continue to grow over the coming years. Our mission statement reflects our vision: Transforming Lives and we are very optimistic about the future, especially after having had another very successful year.
Operation Encompass
We are an Operation Encompass School. Operation Encompass is a partnership between police and schools. One of the principles of Operation Encompass is that all incidents of domestic abuse are shared with schools, not just those where an offence can be identified. Mrs West, DSL, will be informed of all domestic instances that the police have attended.
Food Bank
We are a distributor of Food Bank Vouchers. Please contact us if you need this support.
Parent App through Arbor
Following the successful launch in 2022/23 we continue to be a paperless academy. Reports, timetables, and other documents will be viewed through our Arbor app. Please download this if you have not already done so.
Communications are sent electronically (i.e. by text or email) including but is not limited to, reports, letters, attendance letters, suspension letters. Please ensure your contacts are up to date on our records via the Arbor APP.
Biometric recognition / Parentpay
The St Lawrence Academy has moved to a fingerprint recognition system for our cashless catering and printing solutions. This will remove the need for the students to have to use the current card system. The move is part of a project to improve the catering solution and help to enhance the students’ experience. In order for your child to opt in to biometric recognition, we require your consent via the Arbor APP if not yet done so or by completing the attached CONSENT FORM as detailed in the letter on our website.
The academy operates a cashless system in the diner and for all purchases. Funds can be added to the dinner account by purchasing school meals using your ParentPay account, All payments for trips, visits and resources are also cashless and paid online. If you need your Parentpay log on details please contact us.
Communicating with us
If you need to get in touch with a staff member around either a subject or a year group matter then please see the Contact List where a list of staff contacts are supplied. Please go through these channels to speak with the relevant person or people. Below are the main contact details for us in terms of telephone number, email address, website and social media accounts. Please be advised our social media channels are not manned continually & messages not always responded to.
Our main areas of information on our website are listed below and you should use these to reference where to get the appropriate help or details from,
Meet our Senior Team & Key Contacts –
Our Parent App (Arbor) –
Our Prospectus –
Curriculum –
Attendance/Absence –
Safeguarding –
Headteachers Weekly Blog –
Moving forwards
We have appointed some fantastic staff at the academy for the start of the new academic year who are very excited about their new roles and being part of The St Lawrence Academy. We believe we have an excellent team of staff who will inspire your children to do their best.
In September, students will need to be organised and plan in advance. They will need to:
- be on time for the start of the day and arrive in good time.
- have the correct uniform including shoes and not trainers.
- bring the correct equipment for learning (pen and pencil as a minimum expectation).
- bring their PE kit (The St Lawrence Academy PE kit only) on PE days.
- be prepared to complete homework when it is set.
In September, we aim for a good start to enable the focus for our children’s futures moving forward.
A school community needs a community and a community needs a school that works hard together through times that are good and also tough. I thank you for your patience, trust and respect and I wish the organisation well as it embarks on the next stages of its journey and will be sure to monitor its successes and stories moving forwards.
As I recently advised you I am moving on after 24 years at the academy for new challenges in my career and I am very grateful for all the support and best wishes you have sent. I am confident the academy will continue to transform lives and I wish you all the best.
I hope you have a safe and happy summer.
Yours sincerely
Phill Dalowsky