Dear Parent/Carer   

Year 11 Mock Exams – January 2024

I am writing to you in advance of our forthcoming mock examinations for all of our Year 11 students. These examinations will take place over three weeks, from Monday 29th January to Friday 23rd February 2024. These exams will be a very important opportunity for our Year 11 students to sit exams in a formal environment and are a good rehearsal for their final GCSE exams this summer.

The mock exams will enable students to practise their revision techniques, and to better understand how to work effectively in timed exam conditions. These exams will also provide your child’s teachers with a clear indication of where they may need additional support to be able to achieve their full potential during the summer 2024 exam period. 

You can find the mock exam timetable below:

Art and 3D Design

Year 11 students that have Art and Design or 3D Design should have completed and handed in their portfolio section of the course equating to 60% of their mark. Students will be focusing on their externally set task 40% of their GCSE grade between now and Monday 29th April.

The externally set task is a project created in the same format as the portfolio and will be completed with a final piece created in a 10 hour exam during the week commencing 29th of April


As well as revision it is important that students:

  • Have enough sleep the night before their exams
  • Arrive for the examination on time
  • Are hydrated and have a good breakfast before coming to school. This will help with their concentration.

All Year 11 students will be able to access Breakfast Club at the academy during the mock exam period. Students will be able to access the academy from 8am every morning when there is an exam and speak to subject staff for last minute advice. Toast and juice will be provided free of charge for all Year 11 students.


During the mock examination period it is critical that Year 11 students attend school on time each day.

Y11 Final Push – Advanced Notice

A reminder of a date for your diary at this stage, Thursday 7th March will be the Year 11 Final Push Evening, more details to follow.

Thank you for your support. It is important that students experience the full formal exam conditions during these mock examinations, in order to develop their confidence and resilience so that they are fully prepared for their final exams in Summer 2024. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Sally Walker

Year 11 Achievement Team Leader

Dan Ellerby 

Deputy Headteacher for Quality of Education