Dear Parent/Carer

Year 11 Final Push Consultation Evening – Thursday 7th March 2024 at 4pm

Academy Exam Results will be given out at 4pm

On Thursday 7th March 2024 you are invited, along with your child, to our Year 11 Final Push Consultation Evening.  All subject teachers will be available to meet with you between 4pm and 6.30pm. You will be able to find out exactly how your child is progressing with regards to their current levels of attainment and what they will need to do in order to maximise their potential for achieving success in their forthcoming GCSE examinations.  We have much work to do together in the final few months which will impact directly on your child’s future success.  This launch evening is designed to give students and parents all the information and guidance needed at this crucial time as we prepare for ‘the final push’.  In order for this programme to be successful, we would appreciate your support and attendance for the evening, which gives you the opportunity to ask as many questions as you may have in order to piece the jigsaw together. 

The examinations that the students have recently just completed will have been marked and their results will be contained in envelopes ready to collect on the night. These will be issued in the Westaby Hall, at 4pm.

On arrival you will need to sign in at reception and you should then proceed directly to the Westaby Hall.  There is no individual subject appointment system, however prefects will be outside classrooms to organise a reservation list and help to ensure focussed timings of appointments, so that the evening will finish at approximately 6.30pm.  Please confirm attendance by completing the attached form.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Yours sincerely 

Dan Ellerby

Deputy Headteacher Quality of Education

Sally Walker

Achievement Team Leader Year 11