17th October 2023

Dear Parent / Carer

I would like to draw your attention to our uniform policy which is shared with parents regularly.

We are currently experiencing a number of students who arrive at the academy wearing the incorrect uniform. Our policy makes it clear that:

  • The academy reserves the right to send a student home if they are not in the correct uniform.

The Senior Leadership Team will be conducting uniform checks during week commencing 30.10.23

Please ensure your child arrives in school shoes (not trainers), academy skirt (if in Year 7-10) or black trousers (not leggings) and wearing a tie and blazer.

Students are not permitted to attend school with acrylic or painted nails. 

We do not allow extreme hairstyles and any hair colouring must be within a natural colour range.

In terms of jewellery, students are permitted to wear a watch and a single pair of stud earrings. We do not allow students to have any other piercings. We do not allow clear facial piercings or for them to be covered with a plaster.

By sending your child to the academy you are agreeing to adhere to our published policies and we hope you will support us to address this issue by ensuring your child wears the correct uniform to school. and ensure your child adheres to the uniform policy.

Any infringements will result in your child being sent home from the academy for failing to adhere to our uniform policy. If there are barriers to your child being in the correct uniform please contact the relevant Achievement Team Leader who will work with you to resolve any issues.

Yours sincerely

Helen West

Deputy Headteacher