Dear Parent / Carer

Thank you for supporting us with raising our standards in reference to uniform.  It has been noticeably improved since returning from the half term break.

I would like to draw your attention once again to our uniform policy as it has recently been updated.

Previously the policy stated that students have been unable to wear a coat inside the building unless it has been extremely cold temperatures. Students were asked to put their coats in the cloakroom or in their bag. We have updated the policy with the following wording: 

Coats :. Students may wear coats in the academy, but they must be removed before entering classrooms. They should carry them or place them in their bag as there is no cloakroom facilities, 

Hoodies/Non academy jumpers are NOT academy uniform and should not be worn under or over blazers inside/outside the building,

The cloakroom will no longer be open. We currently have a large amount of coats that have been left in the cloakroom. Students have until the end of this week to collect any items they have left in there. Following this the items will be collected up and held for another two weeks as lost property. Any items not collected after this time will be disposed/donated to charity.

Yours sincerely

Helen West

Deputy Headteacher