Sports Day 2024

Dear Parent /Carer,

As part of our commitment to provide access to sporting opportunities, The St Lawrence Academy will be holding Sports Day on Monday 24th June. This year, it will take place at Quibell Park Stadium, weather permitting. 

All students will be required to be at Quibell Park for the full day. They should arrive from 8.15 am for an 8.25am morning registration. Students in years 8 and 10, should go straight to the centre of the athletics track, students in years 7 and 9 should report to staff on the front field as they arrive at the venue. As students are at Quibell Park all day they will require a packed lunch. A lunch will be provided for students entitled to Free School Meals.

The format of the day will be split into two halves, with Year 8 and 10 students completing their sports day events in the morning and Year 7 and 9 students completing their sports day events in the afternoon. The other half of the day will be spent doing fun activities within house teams. Sports day is due to finish at the usual academy time of 3.45pm, upon completion of all events students will be dismissed from Quibell Park and will need to make their own plans to return home.  

All students will be expected to take an active part in what we anticipate to be an enjoyable day to celebrate the sporting abilities of all our students. The students have already been choosing their athletics events, and will be competing as part of the academy’s established House system. 

Your child is required to wear the correct St Lawrence Academy PE kit all day, and they are advised to bring their St Lawrence outdoor jackets (or plain black top & tracksuit bottoms) to keep them warm in between events. In addition suitable footwear should be worn for competing in athletics events. Students will also need to bring a bottle of water (and sunscreen/hat in hot weather). When students are not involved, they will be expected to support their fellow peers from the designated areas.

In the unfortunate event that there is unsuitable weather, parents will be informed via email or text before 8am on the day and students will be expected to attend the academy in normal uniform for their usual timetabled lessons. We will then plan for this event to commence on the reserve date of Monday 1st July.

Parents and Carers are welcome to attend Sports Day. Upon arrival all visitors must sign in at the gate entrance and they will be directed to a designated viewing area. Visitors will not be allowed into the students area.

If your child does not follow the academy expectation for Sports Day, they will be sent straight home immediately. 

If you have any queries about the arrangements for the day please contact the academy on 01724 842447 or email [email protected] in advance of Monday 24th June 2024.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Lindsay Shutes

PE Curriculum Progress Leader