RAD – John Leggott College Visit

Dear Parent or Carer.

On Tuesday 5th March 2024, the Academy will be holding its second RAD day of the academic year. On this day Year 8 students and their tutors will be visiting John Leggott College on West Common Lane to gain a taste of college life for the future. 

Students are to come to school at the normal time in their full academy uniform unless otherwise directed to do so. 

There will be an activity period 1 and the year group will walk under supervision to the college setting off at 10:00 am. We will arrive at college by 10:40 am. Students will experience 3 one hour taster sessions of their own choosing from a selection the college offers. 

Students will need to make their own arrangements for lunch which will be eaten onsite. Students can either bring a packed lunch or purchase lunch from the college cafeteria. Students who are entitled to a free school meal will receive a packed lunch if they choose to take one.

The day will end at 2:40 pm and students will be dismissed directly from the college. If you would like your child to be accompanied back to the academy then please email me directly by Friday 1st March to indicate this.

We expect all our students to conduct themselves in a respectful, safe manner. The academy reserves the right to remove any student from the visit prior to or during the visit if we feel academy expectations are not being met. 

Yours sincerely

Mr A Murray
Year 8 Achievement Team Leader

[email protected]