November 2021


KS3 Design & Technology


Dear Parent/Guardian,


In Technology lessons, over this academic year, your child will have the opportunity to either cook a selection of dishes in Food and Nutrition and produce a range of products using wood, plastics or electronics.


To this end, we are arranging to order and purchase the ingredients required for each practical food technology lesson and buy in the materials needed for each of the other practical assignments for this academic year. It is essential that students provide their own containers for their Food lesson.


We would ask you to support us in this venture by kindly making a voluntary contribution of £10.00 to cover these costs. We would appreciate you making your contribution in full by Monday 6th December 2021. Payments can be made via your ParentPay account.

All the necessary ingredients and materials can then be provided and students will bring their completed products home for you all to enjoy.  

We are always keen on finding ways of recycling unwanted items in order to save on the cost of purchasing materials and would appreciate any unwanted items such as off-cuts of wood, manufactured boards, acrylic (perspex or similar) or food containers.  If you are able to help out in any way please contact Mrs Keyworth in the first instance by email at the following address: [email protected]

 Yours faithfully


Mrs K Keyworth

Curriculum & Progress Leader of Technology