Dear Parent/Carer

Your child has been selected to represent The St Lawrence Academy at the North Lincolnshire Schools Cross-Country Championships.  The event will take place on the morning of Wednesday 1th December 2021 at Central Park.  

 In light of the weather, could you please ensure that your child has the following items:

  • Correct PE kit (black and teal top,  black shorts, black socks, rugby shirt or St Lawrence hoodie)
  • Trainers or spikes
  • Dark coloured tracksuit bottoms and a waterproof jacket
  • A drink

**Please note that it is usually very cold weather conditions at this event so students are encouraged to bring additional layers of clothing to keep warm.

Race times and meeting times are as follows: –

Intermediate Boys 10:00am (plus any Senior Boys) Meet at Sports Hall at 8.30 am
Return to academy 12.15 pm for Period 4 and lunch

Intermediate Girls 10:30am (plus any Senior Girls)
Minor Boys 10:50am
Minor Girls 11:05am Meet at Sports Hall at 8.30 am
Return to academy for your lunch at 1.15pm OR for 1.45 pm Period 5
Junior Girls 11.25am
Junior Boys 11.45am


Due to the large numbers, we are going to walk students to and from Central Park. Students do have the option of going home to shower and change after their event, but full consent is needed for this by parents/carers and students will be expected back in the academy wearing the correct uniform, with the necessary books by the time stated above. Anyone without consent will walk back to the academy with staff or be transported back on the academy minibus at the end of the event.

If you allow your child to participate, please complete the attached form. Please also state whether you give permission for your child to return home after their event.  Consent Form Link
Please also state whether you give permission for your child to return home after their event. 

Yours faithfully
Mrs Lindsay Shutes
Curriculum and Progress Leader of Physical Education