13th October 2023


Dear Parents and Carers,

You will be fully aware of the appalling violence in Gaza and Israel in recent days which has seen air strikes, rocket attacks and other acts of violence killing and injuring both Palestinian and Israeli civilians, including children.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all of those that have sadly lost their lives as a result of the conflict and hope both sides can come to a resolution for peace, something we all strive for.

The St Lawrence Academy is a school community which welcomes students and staff of all faiths, as well as those with none. Our thoughts, as a community, are with all of those that have been affected by the violence, no matter where they live. Unfortunately, we had an unpleasant and unsavoury incident in the academy yesterday where some students had created a flag and were waving it around, as well as chanting unpleasant and derogatory comments about one of the parties involved in the conflict.

As I am sure you can appreciate, those sorts of comments and that type of chanting is wholly inappropriate and unsavoury and we can’t and won’t have comments made like that in our academy. As a result, a staff member did take the flag from the students and remind them of expectations in terms of inappropriate and derogatory comments being made.

At a time of such heightened tensions, we are keen to support our students and families and wider community in being able to express the concern about the impact the conflict is having on civilians in the most appropriate way.

At The St Lawrence Academy, we will be delivering a series of lessons through our RE curriculum next week that focus on understanding the conflict, ways in which students can show support appropriately for those affected by the conflict and the need for tolerance and respect of the views of others.

The St Lawrence Academy has also created a prayer station in our Reflections Room where staff and students can light a candle and pray for peace.  Students can access the Reflections Room before school, during break and lunch time and after school if they wish to do so.

I hope we can count on you for support in our approach to supporting students during this time and remind your child/children of the need for respect and tolerance.

Warm Regards,


Mr M Hire
