A welcome message from Mrs Ewa Catalano – EAL Learning Mentor

I work at the academy as an EAL Learning Mentor. In our academy, we celebrate the fact that many of our students speak more than one language and we recognise that our academy community is enriched by this. We value the different languages and cultures that make up The St Lawrence Academy.

We are pleased to support our students by:

  • Providing our EAL students – particularly those who are New To English (NTE)  help to unlock their potential.
  • Helping students to speak, understand, read and write English
  • Supporting the continued use of students’ home languages and try to accommodate possible GCSE’s of their native language
  • Providing support through ICT, video or audio materials ,educational programmes, dictionaries and translators

A welcome message from Mrs Nusrat Choudhry –  Assistant SENDCO and Safeguarding Officer


I have worked at The St Lawrence Academy for 12 years teaching Religious Education, currently I hold the role Assistant SENCO and Safeguarding Officer at the academy. I have been fortunate to have been able to develop and experience a variety of roles and in the past I have held the roles of Achievement Team Leader and House Leader. 


As part of my current role I work with the SEND team and I also lead on English as Additional Language (EAL) supporting students from our diverse community enabling them to make progress and achieve.