Dear Parents/Carers,
RE: Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist School
We would like to share with you the results of an inspection that took place on Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th January 2024 – a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS). In a similar way to Ofsted, all Church of England schools are visited regularly to explore ways in which each school’s theologically rooted Christian vision drives its work and enables the school to live up to its foundation as a Church school.
As part of the Inspection process, the Inspector met with key stakeholders including students, staff, parents and governors; observed lessons, assemblies and collective worship and spent time with staff and students during breaks and lunch.
I’m delighted to attach a copy of the report we received this week. The report clearly demonstrates the wonderful culture and ethos that we have established at the Academy and we are incredibly proud of our staff and students for achieving such glowing feedback. The highlight for me in the report is the acknowledgement of our diversity within the Academy. The report states that “Diversity is truly embraced and celebrated. This makes the school an extremely harmonious place where students and adults live well together.”
The report is also available to view/download on our website.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of The St Lawrence Academy.
Yours sincerely
Mr M Hire
Ofsted Parents Letter May 2023
- Ofsted Report March 2023
- SIAMS Report January 2024