June 2023


Dear Parent/Carer.


Year 10 students will be visiting John Leggott College on Wednesday 5th July to experience a variety of subjects, which they have already individually selected. 


Students need to be in the academy promptly at 8.30am to be registered. They are to meet in their normal tutor rooms where they will be registered and briefed for the day. Transport to the college will be provided.


Taster Days will finish at approximately 2.30pm upon which students will be dismissed directly from the College to make their own way home. 


Students are to be dressed in appropriate casual clothing and do not need to wear the academy uniform unless their chosen subject demands it. All students are to remain on campus throughout the day and must bring their subject allocation letter with them. Students need to ensure they bring the required equipment to their sessions, should they not bring the correct equipment they may be reallocated to another subject when they arrive at the College.


John Leggott College will provide all students with a complimentary lunch during their visit. They are welcome to bring their own lunch if preferred. 


If there are any concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Yours sincerely


Miss S Walker

Year 10 Achievement Team Leader