29th August 2023

Dear Parents/Carers, 

I hope this letter finds you well and both you and your child/children have had an enjoyable summer holiday. I am delighted to introduce myself as the Interim Headteacher of The St Lawrence Academy. I am incredibly proud to be joining The St Lawrence Academy and I am looking forward to working with and getting to know staff, students and parents/carers from September.  My aim as Headteacher at St Lawrence is to ensure staff are supported to deliver the best educational experience for our young people and ensure they have a successful and enjoyable secondary school experience with us.

I have recently been a Headteacher of two inner-city schools in Birmingham which has led to improved outcomes for students combined with a positive educational experience for students that resulted in two very positive recent Ofsted inspections. As the newly appointed Headteacher at The St Lawrence Academy, I will endeavour to ensure our academy grows from strength to strength. We are committed to ensuring the highest standards in all that we do and I am keen to create a culture of high aspirations amongst all members of our academy community.

As we approach the start of a new academic year, please may I remind you of some key dates and timings for your child’s return to the academy in September:


Friday 1st September Teacher Training Day
Monday 4th September  Teacher Training Day
Tuesday 5th September New Year 7 Students only at 8.25am
Wednesday 6th September All students return to The St Lawrence Academy at 8.25 am


I look forward to meeting all of our students on the days specified above and hope to meet as many parents as possible in the first week(s) of term. With this in mind, I am in the process of planning a ‘Meet the Headteacher’ coffee morning/afternoon in the near future. I will write to parents again in September with further details in relation to this.


Warm Regards


Mr M Hire
Interim Headteacher