Some events will live in the memory a long time – the Baths Hall, Scunthorpe, Wednesday, 12th July, 2023, was one.

It was the largest we have held at the Academy post Covid. It rekindled memories of some past nights before the pandemic hit.

For many students, parents and staff, this will have been a first; an event of such magnitude at an established venue.

It demonstrated when we put on a night like this, we put on a great night.

It was celebratory, rewarding and had a real sense of good purpose.

Some families stayed in the bar a long time after the event, still soaking up the atmosphere.

Many were so proud of their children because they had done well. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, you need time to look back and reflect on what someone has achieved.

I watched from the back of the auditorium until it was my turn to present awards.

It was wonderful to see people’s faces as awards were announced. There was so much joy and children were genuinely pleased for each other.

When you see people happy for others, you know it’s a good event.

It is my favourite part of the job.

We followed that the next day with another fabulous event, the summer fayre. There were hundreds there and the task was to try to raise more than the £501 raised last year.

I am delighted to say we have heard that our amazing community raised a quite outstanding £673 for Lindsey Lodge Hospice. This is staggering in only a few hours and shows a real generosity of everyone who attended.

It was lovely to see the Mayor of North Lincolnshire, Cllr Janet Longcake, other representatives from the local authority and governors at both events.

I’m grateful for all those who go out of their way to support Academy events and our young people.

I accompanied Ryan Oates, our Lead for Personal Development, to a Greater Lincolnshire LEP event, organised by the Careers and Enterprise Company, at the Lincolnshire Showground.

Careers leads had nominated who they thought provided the best careers and personal development programme.

There were 22 nominees from the hundreds of schools and colleges across the Greater Lincolnshire area.

Ryan was named one of only five Career Champions. The level of work that goes in to making available to our students information, guidance and opportunities about the next steps after school is the best out there.

It was humbling to know Ryan’s peers – people looking in from outside – think so too.

I have been incredibly proud of our sensational programme. Ryan goes above and beyond to ensure our children get the best provision possible.

Another example happened this week. Our new prefect team have been on a team-building exercise at Go Ape. It is the first time we have done it but the reward will come next year, with students building a team ethic and ethos.

It was also fabulous to see students rewarded with a trip to the cinema on Friday. We had wonderful feedback about their conduct and behaviour.

Tomorrow (Thursday), Year 7 are having a STEM day away from the normal curriculum, to allow them to focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths as we encourage them to think ahead in terms of careers.

On a personal note, it has been a challenging year, with peaks and troughs.

There has been so much success to celebrate and look back on. But it is time to look forward and you’ll be aware I’m handing over the leadership baton at the end of term.

I have taken assemblies this week with a theme “what feels like the end is so often the beginning”.

My last few days have also involved conversations with staff, families and children.

I have been blown away by people’s kindness, generosity and gratitude for what we do. For this is not about one individual, it is about a significant team effort.

The Academy will always hold a special place for me.

I have often said in this blog we are not perfect and we do not always get it right. But we try our best.

It will continue to be a great place to learn. I have loved every minute of my 24 years in the building, the last 15 as The St Lawrence Academy. It has formed a significant role in my professional and personal life.

I have never wanted to change or move, until now.

But, sometimes, an opportunity comes along that offers a new challenge and takes you in a different direction.

That has what has happened with me. There are no hidden agendas.

I have built amazing relationships with so many people through working at the Academy, some that remain more than 20 years after I have taught them. Those friendships will continue and I’ll return to the Academy wearing a different hat.

As I say, this is not the end but a new beginning.

Have a lovely, safe summer break.