It does us all good to be taken out of our comfort zone every now and again.

Forty of our students are experiencing just that as I write/you read this.

The contingent from our Combined Cadet Force are in the middle of a five-day stay at the Cadet Training Centre in Driffield Camp.

Goodness knows what they are up to today.

But one thing I’m certain of is they will be pushing themselves, having fun and growing in confidence.

I know because I had the privilege of being invited to join them yesterday (Tuesday). 

I heard about the range of opportunities being given to our students and experienced the culture created at the centre for schools with CCF forces.

I was blown away by the professional, respectful climate. I was given a tour of the camp and shown the field activities. Students have already experienced enhanced laser weaponry, air rifle shooting, archery, tag-related games and drill practice.

I was given an insight into what they were doing last night and the water-related activities they would be taking part in today.

This is the first time since we created the force earlier in the year our young people – and our staff team – have experienced cadet camp.

They are joined by a host of other schools, some from as far away as Surrey, with children of all ages.

Our students are building friendships and forging relationships they would not have done otherwise. 

They are increasingly comfortable and confident, leading activities and thinking on their feet. They are being taken out of their comfort zones and it is something we should do more of in school.

One special moment saw wheelchair user Ibby promoted to corporal by the camp Brigadier. 

We understand this is the first time this has happened during camp and it was a proud moment for Ibby and the Academy. We are proud of our values of inclusivity and diversity and the new corporal is a fantastic example. 

Each cadet contributed £40 to cover the entire week, including travel, accommodation and food.

We were restricted with numbers and those who could not go this time will have first choice next.

Our CCF is already seen as one of the most successful in the country. We have nearly 100 students, an eighth of our student population, involved. Praise was showered on our senior leadership team and governing body for the support given to it.

It is an example of great work as a staff team that has really paid off. 

Our athletics team also went out of their comfort zone yesterday.

They took part in the North Lincolnshire Schools’ Athletics Championships at Quibell Park and had a brilliant day, in terms of results and experiences.

All county secondaries entered and our team finished second in their division, a fantastic achievement.

Girls and boys from Years 7 to 10 achieved a lot of first places in track and field events, and team relays.

Special mentions to those who finished first: 

  • Year 7: Paige in 100m and 200m; girls relay 
  • Year 8: Joel, 300m and triple jump; Fida, 100m; Jolania, 100m; Scarlett, long jump and 300m 
  • Year 9: Jermaine, triple jump; Ruby, shot and discus 
  • Year 10: Carlo, high jump and 100m; Charlie, 300m; Raiyana, 100m and 200m; boys relay

The stand-out year group was Year 8. 

All competitors challenged themselves and, in some cases, faced their anxieties and put on a brilliant show in front of hundreds of other competitors and spectators. 

Finally, Year 10s are on the last of their Further Education visits at John Leggott College today.

The different environment will not be for everyone but I’m certain they, too, have benefitted from being out of their comfort zone.