Some of us are basking in fantastic temperatures – but I am conscious not everybody likes the sun and looks forward to the summer.

A few people have told me in recent weeks they prefer winter and will not have enjoyed the rising temperatures.

We responded quickly to ensure children were as comfortable as possible, with communication going out to parents / carers on Monday.

We will communicate on a week-by-week basis about what uniform should look like for the following week. It will fluctuate, depending on the temperatures.

This week, parents / carers should be aware children do not have to bring blazers to the academy, let alone wear them.

If some want to, that is fine – but they do not have to.

Apart from blazers, children should be wearing the rest of their uniform, including ties and with shirts tucked in. This is a standard that is expected and required.

If members of staff dress for the summer, there is an expectation students should too.

The building is hot because of the glass roofs, and it is about creating the best environment to learn.

We will try to stay ahead of the game.

What children must ensure they do is drink more water. They should be drinking regularly throughout the day – there are opportunities to fill up water bottles between lessons or at lunchtime – to keep themselves hydrated and feeling better.

We have had some positive discussion with Humberside Police on a range of matters, with it offering community support.

A strong message from them and us is that people need to be careful at weekends and evenings where they are going.

Lakes and rivers should not be swam in. We have already had this summer awful headlines – not far away in East Yorkshire – resulting from people getting into difficulties on open water.

I do not want to read about such events full stop but I certainly don’t want any headlines involving any of our children in an accident.

We need to be educating children in school and at home about the dangers posed by rivers and lakes.

Sports day, one of the big events in the school calendar, takes place on Monday at Quibell Park. All the information has been shared with our young people and they have made their selections.

On Monday morning, it is the turn of Years 8 and 10. Students are being registered at Quibell Park at 8.30am.

They will finish at 12.15pm, returning to the Academy with staff and have lunch. Tutor time will be between 1.15pm and 1.45pm and normal lessons in periods 5 and 6.

Years 7 and 9 participate in the afternoon. Lunch will be between 11.45am and 12.10pm, when they will leave the Academy with staff and walk to Quibell Park.

They will be registered there at 12.40pm and finish at 3.45pm, when they will be free to leave the stadium.

Hopefully, those temperatures are kind to staff and students.