As we approach the end of term two, I would like to reach out to all faiths represented at the academy but say specifically for tomorrow Ramadan Kareem / Mubarak.

“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may attain God consciousness.”

Our Muslim community which celebrates or takes part in Ramadan will be starting that special month of the year. For them, it is a period of fasting and of reflection.

As the above passage from the Quran states, this is a month for Muslims to feel closer to God.

We have many staff and students at the Academy who practice a faith. We also have a number who do not.

This does not separate us but unites us as a community.

A letter is being sent to all families explaining our commitment to Muslim students but also including the Easter services next week for those with a Christian faith, showing how Christ is well referenced and remembered during this time to.

There is one more teacher duty day to confirm. For the first time in the Academy’s history, it will coincide with Eid, celebrating the end of Ramadan.

On Friday, 21st April, staff will be in the Academy but students won’t.

A significant number would not have attended school anyway because they would have been celebrating Eid. It makes sense to combine the two.

Another reflection of our community is that an appeal on Facebook for additional prayer mats for Ramadan saw us pretty overwhelmed with donations. Thank you to those who contributed.

Our community unity is there for all to see. We are at the forefront of what it is like to be living well together.

It fills me with a great sense of pride.