It is National Careers Week – and staff have gone the extra mile to ensure our students reap maximum benefit.

A comprehensive programme has been put together to celebrate and promote #NCW2023, including a range of assemblies that will be delivered to all year groups. Resources will be used in Futures lessons and at other times this week.

I would like to recommend a couple of outstanding websites.

Parents / carers should have a look at  – a toolkit for career conversations at home – while students can check out the virtual careers fair on NCW 2023 Both are fantastic resources.

Talking Futures, for instance,  looks at pathway options for young people: apprenticeships, A-levels, T-levels, types of further and higher education providers, and traineeships.

Our Raising Aspirations Day tomorrow (Thursday) is one of our drop down days, with each group given a different experience to do with careers.

This week, students will be visiting a huge careers fair at Elland Road, the home of Leeds United, while others will be going to John Leggott College.

Students remaining in the Academy will look at future options and Year 11 will be working specifically on revision to ensure they are best prepared for their last stage at the Academy.

On Friday, influential author Jeffrey Boakye will spend time with students, having conversations about being a writer and discussing the reasons why education is so important.

He will officially open our new library. I’m really looking forward to showing him a terrific resource that will benefit all the young people and help them get excited about reading.

A week tomorrow (16th), it is Year 7 Parents’ Consultation Evening from 4pm, an opportunity to meet class teachers and hear about their child’s progress to date.

Week commencing 20th March will see Year 9s have exams in English, Maths and Science.

It will give them good experience of exam conditions across their subjects and clear guidance on how they are doing and what needs to be done.

Thank you for the support from parents with regards the industrial action taken by the teachers union the NEU last week. More strikes have been called for next Wednesday and Thursday (15th and 16th).

Talks are taking place between the union and Government and I shall communicate a plan with parents before the end of Friday.

That’s next week. This week, I hope our young people make the most of what’s been offered on the careers front.