It is time for some Christmas cheer.

I would like to thank everybody who has worked with us over the past 12 months.

Our parents / carers and wider families have been tremendously supportive but our community spreads much wider.

Governors, volunteers, businesses, North Lincolnshire Council, Scunthorpe United, and many other organisations have all been actively engaged.

It is this combination that creates the environment we can offer our young people to help them improve their outcomes and life chances.

I have really enjoyed working with many different people from outside the Academy over this past year.

New relationships have been forged and ventures built which will serve our children well in time.

It is rewarding to do something for people in need and I would like to highlight our Christmas initiative and pay significant thanks to a few people.

Assistant Director Place at the council, Lesley Potts, worked with education colleague Wendy Holmes, lead officer for inclusion, to link up with 2 Sisters Food Group who delivered 150 fresh chickens on Monday.

We contacted Asda in Scunthorpe and their manager Brian Markham generously donated potatoes, seasonal vegetables, stuffing and gravy to accompany the chickens.

It all goes to show that, while you hear a lot about doom and gloom, there are great people out there, wanting to contribute.

Social media is one such place where there is a lot of negativity but a look at our feeds over the past 48 hours demonstrates the positive impact the campaign has had.

I am indebted to a whole group of people, including staff, who could not wait to be involved, and helped deliver the parcels after school last night.

We have kept some food parcels back to enable families who would benefit to collect them free from the Academy this morning.

When you do something good it makes you feel better too. It is so nice to be able to do something like this and is hugely appreciated by the families.

We hope Year 7 enjoy their trip to see pantomime Cinderella at the Baths Hall tomorrow afternoon. Oh yes they are!

The Academy’s paid for the treat, the first time the whole year group has been out together.

Three students and two former students are in the show. Good luck for the run. It will be terrific for them to perform in front of our children and for the children to see them perform.

A reminder that at 4pm tonight (Wednesday), there is a meeting for all parents / carers of children interested in joining our new Combined Cadet Force.

It is an opportunity to hear from our qualified staff team about what the experience will entail, including expectations, training, qualifications, annual camp and parades.

The presentation will last around 45 minutes and there will be a chance to ask questions. Children’s investment of time and enthusiasm will be something they remember for the rest of their lives.

I would encourage all parents / carers of those who have expressed an interest to attend.

We will have all read or heard about the tragedy in Solihull, in which three young boys died after falling through ice on a lake. A fourth is critical in hospital.

It is a reminder to all about the dangers of open water and I point readers to Humberside Fire and Rescue Service’s alert.

We said during the summer children should not consider open water as a place of fun. The same can be said now. The frozen water may look like it can take a person’s weight but it is an accident waiting to happen.

We always communicate to young people about making the right choices. This is another example.

The tragedy makes many of the messages left on our Christmas tree even more poignant. A lot are not materialistic but, instead, children want quality time with family over the holidays.

It is something money cannot buy.

I hope you, and my incredible staff team who inspire young people every day, have a wonderful Christmas and I wish you a happy and healthy 2023.