It might have been cold outside, but it was warm and cosy at a packed Evening of Ingredients last night where the hot topic was next steps.

I want to reflect on what was probably the best night of the year so far at the Academy.

That was not just in terms of numbers but also the quality of conversations between students, parents, staff and visitors.

The mock exam results provided a focal point for discussions. Thank you to everybody who came, particularly our array of guests from the public and private sectors who advised and offered support and a vision.

It was a great way for Year 11s to finish a busy and most productive term for them. They seem really settled, prepared and positive about what is to come from January onwards.

On other matters, an email with a link to my Christmas letter will be arriving in parents / carers in boxes today covering a variety of topics.

These include key dates for next term, important reminders and a summary of how it has gone since September.

There is also another invitation to parents / carers who would like to join us at the Christmas services in St Lawrence Church. The dates for each year group have been circulated but they start on Friday with Year 8.

A pop-up box on the website’s home page invites everyone to our next Community Café which will take place in the church next Monday, starting at 4.15pm.

A Christmas service will feature our school choir and rock band and be followed by light refreshments.

I would like to signpost families who are struggling this festive season to the Fuelled team at North Lincolnshire Council.

Go to Fuelled where details of holiday activities and food programme can be found.

Each eligible child should have received a letter with a unique code and information on how to register. If your child’s on free school meals and you haven’t heard from the team, please click on the link and contact them.

It is a fantastic programme with lots of support. Please share the link with others who may be in need.

A huge amount of media has, understandably, focused on the tragic deaths of young children from Strep A in the past week or so.

Please be reassured we have been in touch with Public Health in North Lincolnshire to see whether we need to do anything at this time. As always, we will follow its advice and be in touch with families should the need arise.

It is that time of the year when it gets considerably colder and questions occasionally arise about whether the school is open.

In the unlikely scenario the Academy is closed, we will be in touch with parents / carers with quick and effective communications. There is no need to rely on anybody else. No news means the Academy is open.

It is cold so it must be the North Lincolnshire Cross Country Championships!

The competition takes place in Central Park today and the Academy’s represented by a strong team, selected following internal trials a few weeks ago.

Given the weather, we hope they warm up properly, have great races and bring it home!