Advent starts tomorrow and this week’s blog reminds me of a Christmas selection box.
Some items you will enjoy, others you won’t but you are receiving it as a complete package regardless. There is no pick and mix here.
Year 11’s Evening of Ingredients next Tuesday (6th) continues the food theme. It should be a cracking event with a host of partners attending to support and advise our students (see graphic).
It is the only place they can pick up mock exam results. A high number have responded to say they are coming with their parents – but we want 100% attending please.
Past years have shown what an important event it is for our students, enabling them to start thinking about life after The St Lawrence Academy.
Another key event, this time for Year 10, is happening tomorrow (Thursday). It is their consultation evening when reports will be issued and progress since September discussed.
Again, it is important students, and their families, attend. It starts at 4pm.
A couple of weeks ago, I expressed concern over school budgets and potential impact on our students.
I was not a lone voice. There has been an enormous amount of work done by school leaders, collaborating with others, to put pressure on those responsible for school budgets.
It was then, reassuring to know the Chancellor had listened when he announced in the Autumn Statement schools would receive £2.3-billion additional funding in each of the next two academic years (2023/24 and 2024/25).
What we don’t know are the details and we won’t until we receive our funding letter next year.
We are not out of the woods from a financial perspective and we still need to be careful with the budget over the next six or seven months.
But, hopefully, additional funding will be forthcoming and we will be able to plan for more effective and vigorous school improvement, benefiting our children and staff.
I need to address two unsavoury matters.
Too many children are taking holiday in term time. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, absence of this nature will not be authorised.
Average national attendance in secondaries is 92.5%, three or four per cent down on what it was before the pandemic. This cannot continue because too many children are missing too much of their education.
Statistics prove absence has a significantly detrimental effect on children’s outcomes and therefore life chances.
Children should be in school during allocated term time. We are determined to ensure attendance figures improve.
I also want to address the increasing numbers of incidents staff are dealing with around social media.
We are here to educate children, not police issues which happen outside of school.
I’m aware most children have smart phones and social media accounts, even though many should not, given the age restrictions.
We always talk about school being a partnership with parents / carers. Social media is an area where we need them to work even harder with children at home on their digital footprint.
We can’t waste time in school investigating issues around social media. Please talk to your children and be aware of the negative impact social media can have on their lives.
Finally, let me end on a favourite. Our Christmas Jumper Day will take place on Friday, 16th December.
It is slightly out of sync with the national day but will ensure we end the term on a sweet note. Thank you for reading the complete selection.