A tough week ended on a positive note on Friday when the Academy community fund-raised for Children in Need.

I mentioned in my special message on Thursday that we are stronger together, and so it proved again.

Within our diverse school community, we have our difficulties and hardships, and our students know how much some families are struggling.

It was heart-warming to hear we had raised ÂŁ424.92, a great amount made up of voluntary contributions. I would like to thank everybody who donated.

It was also lovely to see a snippet from our Academy used in the BBC’s coverage. Well done to all involved.

An incredible 161 families out of 163 have said they will be attending tonight’s Year 8 Parents’ Evening.

If they all attend, it will be the biggest Parents’ Evening the Academy has ever held.

And 126 Year 11 families out of 143 have so far expressed an interest in attending the “evening of ingredients” on Monday, 6th December.

I am delighted to see this level of engagement by parents / carers in the Academy. Staff have worked really hard on communications, and this appears to be paying off.

Some parents have a chance to engage with their children in a different setting next Wednesday, 1st December.

Those runners who have done well in trials this week will represent the academy at the Scunthorpe cross country championships at Central Park.

Parents and grandparents are invited to attend another of those events that did not take place last year because of COVID.

The senior boys start at 10am, senior girls 10.30am, minor boys 10.50am, minor girls 11.05am, junior girls 11.25am and junior boys 11.45am.  I wish our team well.

On the same day we host our Community Café, between 3.15pm and 4.15pm, at which our students will entertain members of the community and serve refreshments. It is an event looked forward to by our young people and those who come into the Academy.

Mental health and wellbeing of students and staff is really important and a top priority.

It is why Human Utopia, an organisation which empowers children to make positive change, will work with Year 9 next Tuesday and Year 10 on Wednesday.

The highly motivational programme fits in with our core values, helping them empathise with others and how they are feeling.

We are committed to providing a high quality education but also want to deliver those added elements that make our young people stronger, more resilient and helps them realise their dreams, hopes and aspirations.

We hope our students get a lot out of the course.