I trust this letter finds you well. As an Academy, we are constantly looking at ways to ensure we are delivering the best educational experience for our children. As part of this, we have been looking at our lunchtime provision for students. In an attempt to ensure we can run a broader range of extra-curricular activities, whilst also ensuring there is less movement around the Academy during lessons when we operate a multi-break and multi-lunch system, we have decided to move to one breaktime and one lunchtime from September 2024.
We are working very closely with our catering company, Aspens to ensure there is a speedy service at both break and lunchtime, as well as ensuring a broad range of options for our students to eat. We have also created an extra service ‘hatch’ to ensure all children can be served and have appropriate time to eat and then socialise. To support this further, we will also extend the lunch period from 30 to 40 minutes from September 2024. As I am sure you can appreciate, this means we must find an additional 10 minutes in the Academy day, without impacting on the time children are in lessons. With this in mind, we will be moving our start time Monday to Friday to 8.15am from 8.25am. The large majority of our students already arrive at the Academy for 8.15 each day as morning line-ups start from this time. However, the expectation from September 2024 is that all students arrive by 8.15am.
We will write to parents again during July with the new times of the Academy day. However, at this stage we are leaving a two-week window for parents to feedback on this new structure. If you do have any feedback, please email [email protected] by Friday 28th June 2024.
May I also take this opportunity to wish all of our families celebrating Eid this weekend a blessed Eid-al-Adha. As Eid falls on Sunday 16th June 2024, the Academy will be open on Monday 17th June 2024 and all students are expected at the Academy.
As we continue our work around the expectations of our students and the behaviours we expect within the TSLA community, we are keen to ensure that our mobile phone policy is revisited and fully enforced as we end the summer term, and in line with the Department for Education advice released February 2024.
Mobile Phones – what our policy states:
Mobile phones are not permitted in the academy.
Should a member of staff see or hear a mobile phone it will be confiscated and taken to a Student Progress Leader or the Inclusion Manager and can be collected at the end of the day. A C1 sanction is issued and a log is added to Arbor by the member of staff, and parents are contacted to inform them of the use during the school day. .
Refusal to hand the mobile phone in for safekeeping until the end of the day leads to further behaviour sanctions such as isolation/same day Compass.
Should a student use their mobile phone to take images or video while on the academy site this leads to a Senior Leadership Team referral and a possible suspension. Should such images or video be uploaded to social media this could lead to a more significant suspension.
Not only is this a part of our approach to having high expectations but our commitment to make every minute of learning count, alongside keeping children safe. We understand that parents may want their child to have a mobile phone with them to and from school, however the expectation is that they are switched off and away throughout the school day and remain in their bags until they are off site. Please encourage your child to bring a bag to school daily to support this, alongside ensuring that they are equipped and ready to learn.
Students have been made aware of these expectations during assemblies this week. Should they need to make any contact home throughout the school day, they can be supported to do so via our student services or pastoral teams. We value the importance of the parent partnership and welcome ongoing liaison with you around your child’s needs and your concerns. Please ensure that you continue to communicate with us so that we can ensure your child’s needs are supported.
Once again, we thank you for your ongoing support with our behavioural initiatives, and look forward to updating you further with their future successes.
During Period 4 today, we had an unpleasant incident where a member of the general public arrived at the academy and made verbal threats against a number of staff and a handful of students. The police were subsequently called and the academy was locked down. Thankfully, no staff or students were harmed during the incident and the police were able to intervene appropriately and the police are now dealing with this matter.
We appreciate that the incident may have been upsetting for staff and students to witness and we are working with those individuals to ensure they are supported further. If your child was affected by witnessing the events of today’s incident, please contact the academy and we will provide the appropriate support needed for your child.
Heartfelt praise has been heaped on The St Lawrence Academy following a statutory inspection.
The school is “central to the community it serves,” where students and staff “live incredibly well together in a harmonious learning environment”, says the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools’ report.
Headteacher Matt Hire was “incredibly proud” of the report’s findings and felt it an accurate reflection of life at the school, a member of St Lawrence Academies Trust.
“The report celebrates the diversity across the school and the church values we live and breathe day-to-day,” he said.
“I am particularly proud our vision and ethos are recognised. This is a safe space and the heartbeat of the community, where children and adults of all faiths work together daily.”
A party to celebrate the end of the Eid last week attracted more than 400 students, Muslim and non-Muslim.
“It echoed what the school is all about, where students support each other and staff go above and beyond to help the children,” said Mr Hire.
“I have only been here two terms and I already feel part of a school community that makes a difference to the lives of young people; the positives highlighted by the report are a result of the of consistent work over a period of time.
“The SIAMs report highlights this Academy is not just about academic achievement but its reputation built around what it does beyond the classroom.
“It’s in the corridors and canteen and what happens here after school, with the charity fundraising, the CCF and Community Café to name just a few of the activities.”
The Church of England Education Office inspector, Kelly Wall, described the school community as “wonderfully diverse”, making it welcoming for all.
“Leaders, including governors, describe students and adults as ‘treasures’,” she reports.
“This inspires them to find ways to unlock the gifts and talents of each unique individual.
“The carefully considered values of respect, truth, generosity, forgiveness and justice support the vision to be lived out daily.
“There is a natural synergy between the visions of the St Lawrence Academies Trust and the school.
“As a result, they work collaboratively to support students to flourish.”
The curriculum, driven by the Christian vision, provides a well-rounded educational experience, the report says, with students “well prepared for life beyond school”.
“The vision of ‘transforming communities’ has inspired the establishment of a Combined Cadet Force (CCF) and community café. Students thoroughly embrace the challenging and new opportunities the vibrant and thriving CCF provides.”
The report goes on: “Students are encouraged to bring about positive change. They speak enthusiastically about standing up against injustice.
“They regularly lead litter collections, make donations to the food bank and raise money for the local hospice. As a result, the school really is central to the community it serves.”
Students receive “exceptional” pastoral care while wellbeing for all was at the heart of the school.
“The dedicated nurture provision supports students through challenging times and provides a safe place for them to grow. As a result, lives really are transformed.
“Staff are supported to develop professionally through bespoke development programmes.
“Consequently, staff retention is high. Relationships at all levels are built upon mutual respect.
“Student peer mentors both model this and support others to achieve it.”
Forgiveness and justice were central to the school’s behaviour policy.
“As a result, adults and students live incredibly well together in a harmonious learning environment,” the report adds.
St Lawrence Academies Trust Chief Executive Officer Mike Adnitt was delighted by the report.
“I am very proud of the report as it reflects the enormous amount of work over a number of years that has gone into making the Academy the heart of the community,” Mr Adnitt said.
“Students, staff, governors and the wider community should also be proud of their positive contributions that ensure the academy transform lives.”
Headteacher Mr Hire, delighted with the statutory inspection, is joined by Year 10 Peer Mentors (left to right) Rares Garba, Suha Omar, Zainab Zaman, Ruby Pollard and Anoushay Shahzad.
Dear Parents and Carers As you were aware, Mr Hire was appointed as Headteacher for one year and will start his new Headship in Egypt in the summer. Mr Hire will continue his excellent work at the academy until the end of July. I am now delighted to confirm that, following the recent selection process, Michael McCluskie has been appointed to the position of Headteacher at The St Lawrence Academy from September 2024. Mr McCluskie will join us with a strong career in school leadership and Headship. He is delighted to be joining the academy and is very much looking forward to meeting you all and working with you from September. Mr McCluskie will be in contact with you to introduce himself as September approaches. He acknowledges the hard work and progress that the academy has made in the last 12 months and is keen to build on this in the months and years ahead. There is obviously still a huge amount to plan, do and celebrate this current academic year, but please be reassured that the future leadership, vision, values and ethos of the academy is secured. Kind regards
Mr M I Adnitt
Mike Adnitt Chief Executive Officer The St Lawrence Academies Trust
The Awards Evening and Valediction Ceremony for our Year 11 students will take place on Thursday 2nd May 2024 at 6.00pm prompt. On the occasion of the Valedictory Celebration, all Year 11 students are hereby invited to join together to celebrate their five years at The St Lawrence Academy. We know this will be a memorable and enjoyable event which all students are invited to attend. Students who are receiving an award will have the opportunity to invite 2 members of their family to attend this event, a personalised invite to confirm you and your family’s attendance will be sent at a later date.
The awards are mainly of an academic nature and are based on the final teacher assessment grades and completed modular examinations as well as the top achiever in each subject being awarded with a subject trophy.
Valediction Trophies presented on the evening will include:
ATL Trophy: Prefectship. This is awarded to students who have demonstrated roles of Leadership.
Headteacher’s Shield. This is given to the student for Leadership and Service, at the Headteacher’s discretion.
Dux Scholar Award. For the student who is overall top achiever based on academic data.
Outstanding Progress Award. For the student who has progressed the most over their 5 years in the academy.
Service Above Self Award. For the student who has made a significant contribution to life in the academy beyond the call of duty.
Fortitude & Courage Award. For the student who has overcome obstacles and difficulties to be their best possible self.
Class of 2024 Work Experience Award. For the student who excelled during their work experience placement.
House Core Value Award. For the student who has best represented the values of the academy through the House system
I would like to wish all students the very best in their preparation for their examinations and believe that through hard work and support from parents/carers, all goals will be achieved.
In the approach to Easter we have reminded students of our anti-bullying process in an attempt to ensure that they are keeping themselves and others safe. We are also keen to consistently encourage students to report all incidents that they feel could be related to bullying. We take all incidents of unkind behaviour and bullying seriously and have a zero tolerance approach. At The St Lawrence Academy, we aim to create an environment where students feel safe and happy every single day.
Should you or your child have any concerns around behaviour that is unkind or suspected bullying, please report these by emailing your concerns to: [email protected].
Student responsibilities in relation to bullying:
Report any concerns around bullying to a member of staff immediately or send an email to this address: [email protected]
Stay strong and know that you do not deserve to be bullied
Talk to friends and stay in our safe spaces
Seek advice or ways to deal with bullying from staff
Do not respond to any form of bullying with violence
Tell an adult if you know someone else is being bullied
Parent responsibilities in relation to bullying:
Most people have experienced unkind behaviour in some form throughout their lives, you can help your child by:
Educate children on what is kind and unkind behaviour
Support children in identifying what is right and wrong
Encourage children to report this to a member of school staff
Reassure children that we will tackle this
Together, we can beat bullying!
Thank you for your support, we hope you have a lovely Easter break.
As we approach the end of term, we would like to inform you of the plans for the final week of term.
Easter Services
As Easter approaches, each year group will be escorted to St Lawrence’s Church on Church Lane and the students will bedismissed directly from there. If you would like to attend any of the Services at St Lawrence’s Church with your child’s year group, you would be made very welcome.
Friday 22nd March
Year 11 Church Service – 12.15pm – 1.15pm
Monday 25th March
Year 10 Church Service – 2.45pm – 3.45pm
Tuesday 26th March
Year 8 Church Service – 1.45pm – 2.45pm
Wednesday 27th March
Year 9 Church Service – 1.45pm – 2.45pm
Community & CCF Service – 4pm – 5pm – We would welcome as many parents/carers and families to join us at St Lawrence’s Church for this special community & CCF service and celebration in the build up to Easter. Refreshments will be available afterwards.
Thursday 28th March
Year 7 Church Service – 11.15pm – 12.15pm
Last Day of Term
Thursday 18th April
The academy closes for the Easter Holidays at 12.15pm on Thursday 28th March 2024 and all students will be dismissed at 12.15pm, lunch will be available for students at break time.
The Academy reopens on Monday 15th April 2024 at 8.25am. We appreciate there will be a number of festivities taking place during these school holidays, so may we take this opportunity to wish all families celebrating Easter, a very Happy Easter and for all of our families celebrating Eid, Eid Mubarak.