Time passes by and half term is at the end of next week.
It will be a welcome break after a busy seven weeks and offer a chance for reflection.
Before we break up, a significant event makes a welcome return to the Academy calendar.
Our Sports Presentation takes place this Thursday, marking its 15th year.
I was at the inaugural event and, subsequently, hundreds and hundreds of students have been part of it ever since, creating many fond memories.
Those there will never forget, for instance, the 2012 event at the Baths Hall when more than 1,000 people attended as the Academy was being constructed.
It has stood the test of time and I am delighted to see its return.
It will be my first as Headteacher handing out the prizes rather than being present as a member of the PE team.
I look forward to celebrating the studentsâ wonderful achievements over the past 12 months with them, their parents/carers and the staff team.
It is being sponsored as an event by Pepperells Solicitors for which we are very grateful for their generous contributions in recognising the achievements of our young people in PE & Sport.
In addition to Pepperells, Wren Kitchens, Ongo, Lindsey Lodge Hospice, Paul Fox Estate Agents, Diddi Kicks, North Lindsey College and John Leggott College are also sponsoring awards on the night for which we are truly humbled and delighted.
My thanks to our Personal Development Lead Ryan Oates for his work in gathering local businesses and educational partners to support us and our Lead for Physical Education Lindsey Shutes for her teamâs organisation to produce this incredible event.
Having it back on the calendar gives a chance to reflect on the things we have done well and reasons why we have been successful over time.
Speaking of success, I was so impressed to walk around after school on Monday and see up to 80 Year 11s staying behind for extra classes, preparing for their GCSEs next year.
We are only in week six so numbers attending when we get into the final run-up to exams in March, April and May look set to be extra-ordinary.
It is a great year group. They are hard-working with a terrific attitude, a desire to be successful and, most importantly, a willingness to work with teachers to get better.
Their teacher-predicted grades will be included in reports on 21st October, ahead of exams after half term.
I cannot thank the students enough for their outstanding start to the school year and how they have applied themselves. They are great role models for our younger children.
Another key date in the school calendar is 6th October, when the census is taken on the numbers on roll. This equates to the money the Government gives us for the year after.
I am delighted we are full at 795 children. When we opened in 2008, the number was 612.
For the past five years, we have been over-subscribed going into Year 7. This increase in our popularity has been down to the hard work of a significant number of people.
But we are very much about looking forward and those following us on social media will have seen how we are trying different things to improve further.
Last Friday, 15 students attended our first Business Breakfast hosted by Pepperells Solicitors, based on Doncaster Road.
It began promptly at 8am and our children learned about careers in the legal profession and were able to ask questions of practitioners.
It was a brilliant first event and our thanks to Pepperells again.
The event formed part of our personal development programme and Iâd ask any businesses that would like to host a similar breakfast to please get in touch.
We continue to expand horizons to young people by opening their eyes to what is available.
Something new also took place in the science department last night. The first mini contact night was held for some Year 11 and their parents, offering a chance to chat with staff.
We want the triangular conversations to help our young people to get better GCSE results and I hope everybody attending found it worthwhile.
I would like to thank our Curriculum Progress Leader for Science Mrs Purbrick and her team for being creative and hosting the night. Another innovative and creative evening where students were at the heart of our core purpose.
It was more time well spent.