11th February 2025
Dear Parents and Carers
From Monday 24th February we are making some adjustments to our timetable. These changes are being introduced to ensure that we have a sharper and more focussed start to learning each day. There is a small change to our afternoon timetable which will finish 5 minutes later Monday to Thursday but our start time is unaffected by these changes. The academy day will be as follows:
8:15am- 8.25am Line up. Students will be met by their tutors and taken to their tutor
room to be registered. This process will take 10 minutes
8:25am – 9:25 am Period 1
9:25am – 10:25am Period 2
10:25am – 10:55am Tutor Time or Collective worship
10:55am – 11:10am Break
11:10am – 12:10pm Period 3
12:10am – 13:40pm Period 4 including lunch
13:40am – 14:40pm Period 5 – Students leave at 14:40pm on Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday
14:40pm – 15:40pm Period 6 – Students leave at 15:40pm on Monday
On a Friday students will still leave at 13:15pm.
As Period 1 now starts immediately after registration with Tutors it is vital that all students arrive on time for our 8:15am start. Students who arrive late will miss the beginning of lessons and this will have an impact on their learning and progress and it will cause unnecessary disruption to the learning of other students.
I also remind you that students who arrive at the academy after our registers close will be marked on our registers as having an unauthorised absence. This means that they are in effect truanting.
Unauthorised absence can result in parents and carers being issued with a fixed penalty notice (a fine) from North Lincolnshire Council. This will not apply to students who have a genuine reason for arriving after the registers close such as a medical appointment. If your child does have a genuine reason for arriving late I ask that you contact the academy by 8am so that we do not mark the absence as unauthorised.
If your child arrives after the registers close we will advise you, normally by text or phone call. For this reason can you please advise the academy if you have recently changed your phone number so that our contact details for you are up to date.
Yours sincerely
Mr M McCluskie