6th January 2022


Dear Parent/Carer


A huge and significant thank you for your patience and understanding these last few days. Without doubt it has been a really testing time for all of us together but as always you have been supportive and encouraging. This is well received.


We have managed to regain some heat throughout the building and despite the temperatures outside plummeting. Whilst the issue is not yet fixed we are comfortable with how we have worked with some contractors in order to ensure the building is warmer and fit for learning.


Therefore the academy will be open tomorrow for ALL students and ALL year groups.


Due to us having engineers on site and currently managing the hot water systems, the kitchen tomorrow will be providing a hot food service during the two break periods. We are therefore encouraging all students who have credit and monies on their accounts to use it during this time.  A reminder that the Year 7 & Year 9 break is at 10.00 – 10.15 and the Year 8, Year 10 & Year 11 break is at 11.00 -11.15.


Over the past two days we have completed nearly 400 lateral flow tests which has been a huge success. Any student who has been unable to get to the Academy and has consented will be able to take a test tomorrow in the final day of testing.


We would also like to inform you that we have changed to a new communication system from January. The telephone number and email address from which you have received this correspondence from us should therefore be stored as our new contact number and email address for future reference, should you wish to reply to us. Please do not share the number as this is unique to each student. Further information regarding our new portal will be shared with you in due course. 


Please try to ensure your child is able to bring a mask with them tomorrow in line with the national guidance released last Sunday.


As mentioned previously I really value your messages of support and look forward to engaging with you over the coming days, weeks and months.


We apologise for the inconvenience


Yours sincerely


Phill Dalowsky
