8th December 2023

Dear Parent / Carer,

As we approach the end of term, we would like to inform you of a number of events taking place in the next fortnight. 

Christmas Services

As Christmas approaches each year group will be escorted to St Lawrence’s Church on Church Lane and the students will be dismissed directly from there.  If you would like to attend any of the Carol Services at St Lawrence’s Church with your child’s year group, you would be made very welcome. 


Friday 15th December Year 11 Christmas Service  –  12.15pm – 1.15pm
Monday 18th December  Year 10 Christmas Service – 2.45pm – 3.45pm
Tuesday 19th December Year 8 Christmas Service  –  1.45pm – 2.45pm
Wednesday 20th December –  Year 9 Christmas Service  –  1.45pm – 2.45pm
Thursday 21st   December Year 7 Christmas Service  –  11.15pm – 12.15pm


In addition there will be a community & CCF carol service at the church on Wednesday 20th December at 4pm. We would welcome as many parents/carers and families to join us at St Lawrence’s Church for this special occasion and celebration in the build up to Christmas. Refreshments will be available afterwards

Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Lunch


Last Day of Term

Thursday 21st   December

On Tuesday 19th December students will be able to wear Christmas jumpers. Christmas jumpers must be worn along with normal Academy uniform. If you are wearing a Christmas jumper, you do not need to wear your blazer.  We will also be serving Christmas dinner on this day. 

The academy closes for the Christmas Holidays at 12.15pm on  Thursday 21st December and all students will be dismissed at 12.15pm, lunch will be available for students at break time.

It has been an incredibly busy term with lots of exciting developments taking place across the Academy. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first term as Headteacher at The St Lawrence Academy and wanted to thank staff, students and parents for making me feel so welcome. May I take this opportunity to wish those of you celebrating Christmas a wonderful festive break. We look forward to welcoming all of our students back on Monday 8th January at 8.25am

Warm Regards,

Mr M Hire
