October 2023

Dear Family,

We hope this letter finds you well and full of enthusiasm for the final 6 months of your educational journey with us here at The St Lawrence Academy. The reason for this letter is to invite you to:

 “An Evening of Ingredients” on Tuesday 21st November 2023 – 4:00pm – 6:30pm

This evening has been hugely successful in the past, and is an opportunity for Year 11 students to receive their academy mock exam results, and for you as a family to speak to staff and receive all the information you will need in order to prepare for their final months at the academy. 

At 4:00pm prompt there will be a talk in the hall and all students will receive the exam results which they have achieved in their Year 11 academy exams.

Following this, the East Wing, West Wing and Central Atrium will be open for you to walk around at your own pace, and speak to a whole host of people that includes; 

  • Careers & Aspirations
  • Effective Revision
  • Exam Day Ready 
  • Academic Apps (how to use them)
  • WellBeing
  • Attendance
  • Managing Device Time
  • Parental Feedback
  • Further Education Colleges
  • University Representatives
  • Apprenticeship Providers
  • Local Businesses
  • All Subject staff
  • The year group ATL
  • SENDCo

We very much hope that you will join us in order to understand what we are doing to support our wonderful Year 11 students and what you can do too as they enter the final few months of their TSLA learning Journey. There will be some light refreshments available throughout the evening. 

In addition to this we would like you to tell us where we can do better and where you think we could improve. This can be done during the evening with questionnaires and discussions with the Senior Leadership Team. We value this tremendously.

Dates for your diary moving forwards are,

  • Tuesday 21st November 2023 – “An Evening of Ingredients”
  • Thursday 7th March 2024 – “Year 11 Final Push Evening”

We hope that everyone can attend this evening and all those attending will be entered into a prize draw.  In order for us to understand the numbers joining us that night so we can plan ahead with regards to light refreshments. 

Please confirm your attendance on the attached google form.

We are going to spend time reminding the students about the importance of attending this event .  We are passionate about success and above all providing help, so please help us by sending your confirmation that you will be attending as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely

Mr Dan Ellerby [email protected]                         Mrs Sally Walker [email protected]

Deputy Headteacher for Learning & Progress         Year 11 Achievement Team Leader