I often talk about the important triangulation of students, parents and staff – and we have had three perfect examples over the last couple of weeks.

The Year 11 Valediction, the Prefect ceremony and the CCF Formation Parade were formal events that each had a prestigious feel.

The Prefect ceremony, introducing the new prefects and announcing the three seniors for the forthcoming year, was a brilliant success.

Congratulations to Sajid, Martyna and Muhammad and good luck in their important roles.

During the ceremony, a candle is passed from the outgoing prefects to the new ones, representing a transfer of responsibility. We also celebrated the achievements of all our new prefects.

They came through a rigorous selection procedure, including a presentation and interview, which reflects the process faced in the outside world when looking for jobs.

It is about giving them that level of readiness and, as I reflected on the evening, our young people handle the pressure remarkably well.

The 75 young people at our first CCF Formation Parade on Friday were so proud to receive their cap badges and skills awards from Major Sam Tillotson of the Queen’s Own Yeomanry.

Thanks to our staff team, the Army and RAF for the time and effort that went into making it such a memorable occasion.

We will be recruiting to the CCF during the summer and, this week, our CCF staff team have been talking in assemblies about the process.

There are only a limited number of places and we expect competition.

Our CCF work is benefitting our efforts to partnerships in the wider community.

Outward Academy Foxhills has expressed an interest and we have been talking to them about their students being initially part of our contingent.

Year 11 students going to John Leggott College will benefit from a transitional pathway to enable them to continue as cadets, created following discussions.

That brings me nicely on to promoting our next Community Café, taking place a week tomorrow (Thursday, 25th).

We would like to see as many members of the community as possible, in particular students’ grandparents who may not have stepped foot in the Academy.

It is a terrific opportunity to have a drink, bite to eat and see our young people perform, while talking to them and members of staff.

My thanks to house leader Eddie Wraith for organising the event and his work in the community. He has not been with us long but is already proving a brilliant addition to the staff team.

Can I also flag another important date to put in diaries. We have hired the Baths Hall on the 12th July for the first time to hold our celebration evenings for Years 7 to 10 on one night.

More details will follow but it will be a grand celebration of the academic year, their attainment, achievements and personal triumphs. It will be one not to be missed.

Finally, we are on day three of GCSEs. Our Year 11s have arrived at the Academy in top form with a great attitude.

Continued support from parents and staff for those young people is vital. That three-way partnership again – let us hope it bears fruit in August.