How terrific to contrast a typical day focused on progress, policy, planning and, particularly at this time of the year, exams, with a top sporting fixture.

Our Year 11s made it to the North Lincolnshire Schools’ cup final to take on Sir John Nelthorpe School at Glanford Park.

The kick off was delayed until nearly 2pm while other matches took place – but it was worth the wait.

Both teams served up an excellent, competitive game.

Our boys (below) were professional and hard-working and, as a team, they managed to get the job done and won 4-2.

They played some really good stuff, and lifting the trophy was a brilliant way to end their five-year sporting journey at the Academy.

It was a big deal, and it was lovely to see the Academy community – family, staff and friends – come out in large numbers to support the boys, led by Head of PE James Stainton.

They represented the Academy brilliantly. I saw 14 leaders on the pitch over the period of the game and the performance was a great reflection of them as people.

I would also like to pay tribute to their opponents, under head of PE Ross Belton. He did his teacher training at our Academy and has always been a consummate professional. It is good to see him producing outstanding teams at Sir John Nelthorpe.

In other matters, we had a record attendance at our Year 9 Options Evening last week, with more than 93% of students with their parents / carers coming along.

It goes to show how invested these families are with their children’s learning and we are grateful for that.

The forms are being returned with students’ preferences and, once we have them all, we can look at the timetable and what options we are able to offer who.

Staff were impressed with students’ decision-making and the questions that were being asked.

Clearly, their options and the evening has been well communicated over the last three months. My thanks, again, to Mr Stainton, also Head of Year 9, who coordinated the event.

I mentioned last week the new fingerprint biometrics system coming in at the end of this to improve lunchtimes.

We still need responses from a significant number of parents, be it a yes or a no. If anybody’s concerned about how the data might be used, please ask because we have some excellent literature that explains the system clearly and will ease people’s minds.

The Academy’s also invested in technology and physical resources to meet international as well as national standards on lockdown procedures. The focus has been on students’ safety and the new system will be explained to them next week.

In two weeks, we will share our new lockdown procedures more widely so parents / carers can be reassured about the new system and the improvements to children’s safety.

The warmer weather reduces the need for children to bring coats, which means they will look smarter. But far too many are coming into school without ties.

We do not have an endless supply of spares and reserve the right to send students home if they are not in full school uniform. Please ensure children are wearing ties.

Tonight is one of the highlights of the school year, our Year 11 Valediction Evening. It is a formal ceremony celebrating achievements based on staff predictions. I am really looking forward to it.

This is one of an awful lot of events going on this term.

I appeal to parents to keep checking the website’s calendar to ensure you do not miss out on something involving your child. Those at Glanford Park on Saturday were pleased they did – and have memories to last a lifetime.