Dear Parent/Carer

On Thursday 9th March 2023 all Year 10 students will be visiting Elland Road, Leeds to take part in the UK University Search 2023. This exciting and informative event will provide our students with the opportunity to speak to a multitude of colleges, FE institutions, universities and apprenticeship providers. This event is designed to raise the aspirations, motivation and inspire students using hands-on demonstrations and activities.

As the visit will be taking place during the academy day, students will be expected to wear full academy uniform and will be accompanied by staff at all times. We will be leaving from the academy at 9:00am and returning at approximately 2:45pm.

Students will be required to bring a packed lunch and drink, however if your child is on free school meals, lunch will be provided.
There is no charge for the visit, but we do require your consent, please therefore complete the permission form to allow your child to attend by Friday 10th February 2023.

As with any academy visit or event, the academy reserves the right to remove students from the visit if they fail to, or are at risk of failing to adhere to academy expectations.
If you wish to discuss the visit, then please do not hesitate to contact me at the academy: [email protected].

Yours sincerely,

Sally Walker
Year 10 Achievement Team Leader