It has been a really positive first week back, including on the attendance front.

Children need to be in school to improve outcomes and life chances and I have made attendance a really important point of note to families.

Encouragingly, we are slightly above the national average at this moment in time but that still leaves us with plenty of work to do.

I do understand there is a lot of illness around and some young people have been quite poorly.

We are working with North Lincolnshire Council on its attendance strategy, which aims to improve the figures across the local authority.

The St Lawrence Academy is not alone in lower figures then before the pandemic hit and we need parental support to increase numbers.

Another issue not far from people’s thoughts is the anxiety caused by the cost of living.

We promoted Feeding Scunthorpe on Facebook and I wish to highlight further. Based at The Hub on Avenue Vivian (DN15 8LG), free food, drink and a warm, safe environment is available every Monday between 3pm and 5.30pm.

If readers know anybody who will benefit, please let them know.

Our Facebook page has also appealed for former Academy students to get in touch.

We are hoping to hear from those who have studied here since our launch in 2008 as we build our Alumni network.

We want to inspire our current cohort by giving them an insight into the various career pathways former students have taken.

We want to demonstrate anything is possible and plan to share case studies.

We are also looking for former students to be part of a question and answer session in a Year 9 assembly during our Raising Aspiration Day on Thursday, 9th March.

There will be opportunities our young people have not thought about.

For those who can help or would like to know more, please contact the Academy’s Personal Development Lead Ryan Oates on [email protected]

Thank you to those families who turned out last night for the Year 8 consultation evening. It was great to see so many in the building and meet staff to discuss how their children are doing and how they can support further.

These events are so important to ensure progress and improve outcomes.

In just over a fortnight, Year 11 will begin their last two-week run of exams as we ramp up support ahead of their GCSEs.

I am grateful to them for their continuing attitude and endeavours. They are an outstanding group of people  and we hope their efforts are reflected in results later in the summer.

Another positive note to end on.