December 2022

Dear Parent/Carer


As the end of term approaches I would like to thank you for all your support throughout this very busy term; as always, it is greatly appreciated. It has been amazing to meet with people again and host a variety of events, trips and activities for the students and parents/carers including, year 7 settling in evening, children in need dress down day and cycle for Pudsey, consultation evenings, the year 11 evening of ingredients and rewards assemblies. In addition Year 11 students were rewarded this term with a trip to the cinema and Year 7 students enjoyed Cinderella at The Baths Hall.

Please remember that we are here to work in partnership with you to ensure that your child achieves their potential. We have an ‘open door’ policy and are keen to be available should you need a conversation about any matter concerning your child, so please keep in touch. You can find our key contacts on our website.  

As Christmas approaches each year group will be escorted to St Lawrence’s Church on Church Lane and the students will be dismissed directly from there.  If you would like to attend any of the Carol Services at St Lawrence’s Church with your child’s year group, you would be made very welcome. 


Friday 9th  December Year 8 Christmas Service   12.15pm – 1.15pm
Monday 12th December  Year 10 Christmas Service 2.45pm – 3.45pm
Tuesday 13th December Year 7 Christmas Service   1.45pm – 2.45pm
Wednesday 14th December –  Year 9 Christmas Service   1.45pm – 2.45pm
Friday 16th December Year 11 Christmas Service  12.15pm – 1.15pm
Friday 16th  December The academy closes for the Christmas Holidays at 1.15pm on  Friday
16th December and students will be dismissed at 1.15pm, lunch will be available for students at break time.

We share as much information as we can on our website, so please keep checking it.  There is a handy “translate” button at the bottom of each webpage if you need to translate information into a different language.  

Please encourage your child to attend our extra curricular clubs and activities on offer for students at the end of the academy day. They are designed to support students’ learning, as well as to help them to develop their many talents, skills and interests.  The live timetable is available here on the website, and additional information is also available on our house website.

If a student arrives late to the academy (after registration at 8.30am) they will receive a 30 minute detention on the same day. Detentions are calculated each day of either 30 or 45 minutes at the end of the academy day, for which any behaviour incidents have occurred. Please ensure your child attends on the day this is given. This is our academy policy and therefore we need your support in ensuring that your child is aware of this.


As always, I would like to take the opportunity to remind you of the following:

  • Holidays should not be taken during term time and permission will not be given unless there are exceptional circumstances, regardless of levels of attendance.
  • The appearance of our students and their uniform is important in the academy. Many of our students are a credit to the academy in their appearance and how well they follow our uniform policy. Please ensure you note information in relation to school skirts and coats
  • Uniform is available to purchase from Shah’s on West Street Scunthorpe or we have limited items available on Parentpay to be collected from the academy. 


Girls Boys
Black blazer embroidered with Academy logo on pocket, teal braiding on lapel and matching lining Black blazer embroidered with Academy logo on pocket, teal braiding on lapel and matching lining
White shirt with collar – tucked in at all times White shirt with collar – tucked in at all times
Clip on Academy tie in teal/black stripe Clip on Academy tie in teal/black stripe
Black knee length skirt (not stretch)

For Year 7, 8 and 9 students – the skirt must have the academy logo 

Or full length school trousers (not denim/ leggings)

Black full length school trousers (not denim)
Black socks or plain tights (black or neutral) Black socks
Flat, black  shoes  NOT fabric or trainers Flat, black shoes NOT fabric or trainers

PE Kit for Girls and Boys

Black and teal round necked shirt with embroidered Academy logo or

Black & teal sports polo-shirt with embroidered Academy logo

Black shorts with embroidered Academy logo
Black sports socks
Appropriate footwear for use on astro turf surfaces- e.g. moulded football boots, astro turf trainers

Coats :  Coats must be placed in the cloakroom at the start of the day or carried in school bag. 

They are not permitted to be worn around the academy. However students may wear their coat when they are in the Atrium and on their way outside at break/lunch.  

Hoodies: hoodies are not academy uniform and should not be worn under or over blazers inside/outside the building, however students are permitted to wear their TSLA hoodie at break/lunch if a student has a split PE lesson


Dates for you diary for next term :

Community Café Events 30th March 2023

Year 8 Consultation Evening 10th January 2023

Year 9 Consultation Evening 25th January 2023

Half Term 13th February 2023 – 17th February 2023

Year 11 Final Push Consultation Evening 2nd March 2023

Year 7 Consultation Evening 16th March 2023

Easter holidays 3rd April 2023 – 16th April 2023

Staff Inset Day / EID Friday 21st April 2023


Social media misuse continues to be the biggest challenge and issue we have here at the academy. Please monitor your child’s use of social media because we do not have the ability to manage and solve issues to do with social media during the day. Issues to do with this that escalate should not detract from your child’s education and as such we will not be investing significant time and resources in managing this.

Anyone is welcome to attend our Community Cafe Events which are usually for one hour after school once every term.  The events are all about making connections between the academy and the local community and we encourage anyone to pop in and have a chat, have some refreshments and come and see what activities our students have to offer. You are very welcome to bring along relatives or friends with you or they can come on their own – it would be wonderful to see you there. If you are able to attend, please see our website for information prior to the event dates.  Please note our Community Cafe event for this term will be held on Monday 12th December from 4.15pm to 5.30pm at St Lawrence’s church. 


Finally, I would like to wish you all a very happy family time at Christmas and look forward to the students returning on Wednesday 4th January 2023 by 8.20am, ready to begin at 8.30am. Another new start for us all.  


Yours sincerely

Phill Dalowsky
