At the Academy we have recently launched a new management system called Arbor. Part of this solution is the Arbor Parent Portal. This can be accessed via a web page or the Arbor parent app. The portal is a great way to keep yourself informed on how your child is doing in the Academy, whether it is attendance, Behaviour, Achievements or homework, you will also be able to see their timetable and details of any exams they may have.
The Parent Portal will also be used as a communication tool to enable us to keep you updated and informed of what is happening within the Academy
To access this portal you should have received an email from the Academy with instructions on how to sign up. If you haven’t seen this it may be because we do not have an up to date email address for you, please contact the academy by emailing [email protected] so we can ensure we have the correct contact details.
To download the app to your phone just search for Arbor in the Play store or Apple App store
The video below gives a brief overview of the Arbor app.