November 2021


KS4 Hospitality & Catering

Dear Parent/Carer

As part of your child’s Hospitality and Catering course this year they will be covering aspects of study that allows them to learn and develop food preparation, cooking and presentation skills. They will also investigate the nutritional principles that underlay the preparation and cooking of food. They will gain valuable skills in order to become more independent in their work and this will lay down a foundation for their studies in food.

To this end, we are arranging to order and purchase the ingredients required for each practical lesson this academic year. It is essential that students provide a container for their food lesson. We would ask you to support us in this venture by kindly making a voluntary contribution of £10.00 to cover these costs. We would appreciate you making your contribution in full by Monday 6th December 2021. All payments can be made via your ParentPay account.

All the necessary ingredients will be provided and students will bring their completed products home for you all to enjoy.

 Yours faithfully

Mrs K Keyworth 

Curriculum & Progress Leader of Technology