11th November 2021


Dear Parent/Carer


It is at this time of the year when we like to reward and celebrate the hard work of the students at The St Lawrence Academy. With this in mind, your child has been selected for a rewards trip, based on their participation in extracurricular activities over the past term. This will take place at the Vue Cinema, Scunthorpe on the 18th November 2021. There is no cost to you at all, unless you wish to provide them with some money to spend on refreshments at the cinema. 


Arrangements for the day are as follows:


Students will leave the academy at 9.00am and will be walked to the cinema by members of staff in full academy uniform. Once the students have enjoyed the film, they will walk back to the academy with the staff. Please could we remind those students who use an inhaler, to ensure that they have it with them.


As this is a local visit, you have already given your consent at the start of the academic year.  If we do not have your consent, please complete the attached link:



We look forward to sharing this fantastic opportunity with the students.


Yours sincerely


The staff of the St Lawrence Academy


Mr Cretney

Year 7 Achievement Team Leader

Mr Stainton

Year 8 Achievement Team Leader